people tend to think that drivers in their
town must be the worst in the world or at least in this country. This is
natural since they directly witness stupid moves in their local traffic. Even
taking this into account, however, I can assure you that Maui drivers are truly
among the worst. I have driven and walked in cities all over the United States,
Mexico and Europe. Believe me, Maui is up there with the worst.
I walk everywhere in Central Maui and spend about 12 hours per week on the
roads and sidewalks, I see a lot more than most people do. Though stupid moves
by drivers are the most dangerous, bicyclists and pedestrians make dumb moves
are the stupidest moves I’ve witnessed, some of them almost every day. Some are
seriously dangerous, others are more annoying than dangerous.
Most Dangerous Stupid
Move by Drivers
stupid move is when a driver is trying to turn right into traffic, either from
an intersecting street or from a parking lot, and keeps his eyes glued left
while waiting for an opening. He never even glances right for pedestrians about
to walk in front of him in the crosswalk or on the sidewalk. It’s even more
dangerous when the driver doesn’t come to a full stop, but just glides through
the stop sign or red light, turning right while staring left.
have been almost hit by such drivers so many times that I have resorted to waving
a white cloth and yelling. I’m looking for a loud horn that’s not too heavy to
carry around. Sometimes after a close call I angrily kick the car and yell
insults at the driver. Once I keyed a car as it went by far too close to me.
is my scariest experience along these lines. In Kahului I was walking south on
Puunene toward Dairy Road and I came to an intersection without lights but with
stop signs. I took one step into the crosswalk when a massive big-tire pickup
roared toward me. Playing it safe, I stepped back onto the curb and waited to
see what he was going to do. The tint of the windshield and the glare of the
sun made it impossible for me to see the driver. He did come to a full stop,
but several feet past the stop line and nosing into the crosswalk.
I clearly had the right of way and oncoming traffic seemed to preclude his
proceeding, I resumed my walk, this time a couple feet outside the crosswalk to
be as far from the truck as possible. I kept my peripheral vision on the truck
and suddenly it lurched forward, straight at me. If I had been in the crosswalk
it would have nailed me. I almost crapped my pants.
the change of angle the glare was reduced and I could see the driver. To my
horror, I realized that he had never seen me at all and still didn’t. He never
glanced right or even straight ahead the entire time and was still looking left.
I yelled as loud as I could, “Stop you stupid shit”, and similar angry words. I
happened to be carrying a heavy-duty glass bottle that I use for coffee on my
walks and I had a strong impulse to throw my best fastball at the windshield or
the driver-side window. The bottle was hard as a rock and five-sided with
angular edges. It would have done real damage.
restrained myself and settled for more yelling and some serious stink eye. He
went on his way without apologizing or showing his face. I was angry and stressed
for the rest of the day. In fact, I’m still angry about it and the many other
times when I could have been killed or crippled because drivers are too lazy
and too stupid to come to a full stop and look both ways before they go. Many Maui
drivers act as if pedestrians don’t exist, or that they have no right to be on
the road.
fools should remember that when a driver kills or seriously injures a
pedestrian through negligence or bad judgment, several lives are ruined,
including the driver’s and those of loved ones on both sides.
Most Annoying Stupid
Move by Drivers
is when a driver waits 25 seconds for a pedestrian in a crosswalk when he could
have made his right turn in 2 seconds. Some drivers have no sense of timing and
tend to play it so overly safe it annoys the pedestrians as well as other
drivers. Let’s say the pedestrian light indicates walk and I start into the
crosswalk. I have almost 30 seconds to walk the width of 4 lanes. This is a lot
of time, so I have no reason to hurry, but I don’t casually stroll either.
a driver almost 50 feet away, facing me in the right lane of oncoming traffic
and wanting to turn right across my path in the crosswalk, sits and waits for
me even though he and the 3 or 4 cars behind him could make the turn easily
without coming close to hitting me. This poor timing sometimes causes
right-turning cars to back up dangerously into the faster-moving lane to the
left. When I see this I feel obligated to hustle, no matter how tired I may be.
often wave such drivers on, urging them to make their right turn ahead of me,
but half of them refuse to do so, and wave me on, again making me feel I should
hustle. The law does not require a driver to wait for a pedestrian two or three
lanes away to get through a crosswalk. It’s a false courtesy. When a pedestrian
waves a driver on, the driver should proceed, with caution of course.
Second Most Annoying
Stupid Move by Drivers
describe this offense I must first admit that on very rare occasions I jaywalk.
Okay, I jaywalk all the time, but very carefully. Of course everyone jaywalks,
but I do it more than most people because I walk more than most and I know
where it’s safe to jaywalk. Some intersections are so dangerous that it is
better to jaywalk where you have to watch for traffic from only two directions
instead of four or five.
may be jaywalking across a street, fully aware of the car coming in the next
lane and timing my pace so that he passes before I get to his lane. But a few drivers,
though they could easily make it before I reach their lane, slam on their
brakes. They force me to cross the lane inches from their front bumper or,
worse, they end up stopping smack in front of me and blocking my way across the
street. They also block the cars arriving behind them, and those drivers blame
Nervous Nellies are probably the same drivers who wait unnecessarily in the
example above. They have no sense of timing and surely make terrible dancers. When
a driver sees a jaywalker ahead, he should proceed cautiously and let the
walker time his moves. Of course, if the jaywalker is obviously intoxicated or
otherwise incompetent, the driver should consider stopping and turning his
hazard lights on until the poor soul is safely across the street.
Third Most Annoying
Stupid Move by Drivers
am standing on a sidewalk and a nearby driver has stopped and is waving and
honking for me to cross the street. But I’ve made no indication that I want to
cross the street. I may be gazing at something across the street, but I am standing
still on a sidewalk 3 or 4 feet from the curb, perhaps in the vicinity of a
crosswalk, perhaps not. A driver should not make assumptions about what a
pedestrian on the sidewalk intends to do. The law says a driver must stop for a
pedestrian when the latter is in the crosswalk, not when he is on the sidewalk
near a crosswalk, when he is looking at a crosswalk or when he is simply near
the curb looking toward the other side of the street.
Most Baffling Stupid
Move by Drivers
Maui drivers seem to have no idea how a merge lane works. The driver is
supposed to proceed cautiously down the lane, watch for an opening in the lane
to the left, and merge or wait near the bottom of the lane. Instead, these
drivers come to a full stop near the top of the lane, sometimes right on top of
a crosswalk. Traffic backs up behind them as they watch for a chance to
(illegally) race left across solid lines and a bike lane. Sometimes they cut
off the rare driver who did go lower in the merge lane and was trying to
properly merge left. Come on, guys! Think about what merge lanes are for. It’s
not that difficult.
Most Dangerous Stupid
Move by Bicyclists
according to the law, are not supposed to ride on the sidewalk in
business-zoned areas, but they do it all the time with impunity, even when a
bike lane is just three feet away. They often ride dangerously fast and yell at
pedestrians to get out of the way. On one occasion a cyclist going downhill at
least 20 mph yelled at me, “Move, moron!”, sped by a foot from me, then
narrowly missed a mother pushing a baby stroller.
what? you say. Well, think about the physics of it. 200 pounds of metal, bone
and flesh slamming into a person delivers enormous force. A man on a bike once
slammed into me while I was in a crosswalk. He wasn’t going very fast, but I
was knocked out for a few seconds and suffered a concussion. You can go online
and find examples of bicyclists killing or severely injuring pedestrians.
counties take the problem seriously, but not Maui. Consider the following
scenario. You are walking on a sidewalk when a very quiet bicycle speeds toward
you from behind. There is a bike lane running parallel to the sidewalk about a
yard away, but the cyclist prefers the sidewalk. Pedestrians, especially older
ones like you, don’t walk in perfectly straight lines and cyclists don’t ride
that way. Both wobble a little and the sidewalk is narrow.
he passes, almost giving you a heart attack because you never heard him coming,
he clips you, sending you sprawling, and he speeds away. There is no visible
tag on the bike and you have no way of identifying him. You have osteoporosis
and you are in agony because now you have a broken pelvis and a broken arm.
I tell a cyclist that it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk he invariably
reacts with disbelief and hostility. If I offer to show him a copy of the law
he insults me, swears at me and may challenge me to a fight. They react this
way because there are no signs that inform cyclists of the law. There are signs
everywhere telling drivers and pedestrians what they cannot do, but none
telling cyclists to, for example, walk their bikes on public sidewalks. None!
On the entire island!
signs for cyclists, we obviously need better laws and better enforcement.
Cyclists should be required to have and use bells; to have and use lights for
night riding; to have tags that are clearly legible from 50 feet; and to ride
the right way on one-way streets.
should be forbidden to ride on sidewalks in nonresidential areas; ride on
sidewalks where a bike lane is available; go more than ten mph where allowed to
ride on sidewalks; ride within three feet of a pedestrian; and ride more than 5
mph past a pedestrian on a sidewalk.
Most Baffling Stupid
Move by Legislators
Maui County administration and the county council have resolutely ignored all
my pleas for better enforcement and better laws. I even volunteered to spend
days painting “no bikes” signs on sidewalks if the county would supply the paint
and stencil. I got no reply. I emailed them a warning that the county would be
liable for injuries caused by bikes illegally riding on sidewalks because it
has made absolutely no effort to inform cyclists of the law, to enforce the law
or to do anything to protect pedestrians from cyclists. I got no reply. Stupid
move. Someday the county will have to pay millions to an injured pedestrian.
Only then will it improve the laws and their enforcement.
Most Dangerous Stupid
Move by Pedestrians
most suicidal stupid move is dashing across a 4-8 lane highway while not in a
crosswalk. There have been a few deaths in recent months due to this move. The
driver is also traumatized by the grisly collision. Enough said.
Most Baffling Stupid
Move by Pedestrians
once saw women jogging 3-abreast in a bike lane, completely blocking it, even
though a sidewalk was three feet away. What were they thinking? Thank God I’ve
never seen this stupid move again.
When the book was published almost 30 years ago it was strongly praised by responsible health experts and the rare responsible media, but trashed by new-age critics and even vandalized in bookstores by new-age fanatics. It is as true and relevant as ever, and has been mostly vindicated by time. Yet my courageous and far-sighted publisher, the venerable Prometheus Books, is still sitting on lots of copies. Please help validate their integrity by buying a copy. Or two or more as gifts. Perhaps 10 for your local school library and health classes. See their website for assorted discounts. Make them an offer. (My royalties are insignificant; this little promo is for the benefit of one of the world's great publishers, Prometheus Books.)
Maui's future foretold: Barbarians In Paradise -- Terror Comes to Maui. This is a prophetic flash novel about a future police state and those who rebel against it. Available in paperback and ebook at
Links to all my blogs:
For more detailed critiques of various forms of quackery, including naturopathy, see my book A Consumer’s Guide to “Alternative Medicine”. It was expertly edited by legendary quack buster Stephen Barrett, MD. The critics say:
"Superb!" -- Dr. Victor Herbert in the New England Journal of Medicine.
"Excellent" -- National Council Against Health Fraud.
"Five Stars" -- Cooking Light.
"Thought provoking; a great book" -- American Journal of Health Promotion.
Maui's future foretold: Barbarians In Paradise -- Terror Comes to Maui. This is a prophetic flash novel about a future police state and those who rebel against it. Available in paperback and ebook at
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